International Pharmaceutical Abstracts
International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA) was introduced by The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) in 1964. Beginning with print production, it was launched electronically in 1970. IPA is published in print semi-monthly and is distributed electronically through the following vendors:
* Cambridge Scientific Abstracts
* DataStar
* Dialog
* Optionline div.PTI
* SilverPlatter
IPA adds approximately 18,000 records annually and draws from a global selection of health care journals. The following methods of indexing are applied to each record:
* IPA Thesaurus - A unique index of terms for pharmacy-related concepts
* MeSH Terms - NLM index used in MEDLINE
* AHFS Therapeutic Classification System - Used in ASHP's Drug Info database
* Drug Trade Names - IPA index of trade names
* United States Adopted Names - Index of generic drug names
* CAS Registry Numbers - Unique chemical entity identifiers
* IPA Natural Products Index - Links common plant names to scientific names
IPA covers international literature in applied pharmacology. Each IPA record is accompanied by an English-language abstract produced by a four-person multi-lingual in-house editorial staff or outsourced translators. IPA has digitized backfiles to 1964 and offers the backfile as part of its subscriptions.